RECYKOIL, new line of 100% recycled spirals
On our corporate website you will find all the available information regarding this project in which we wish to make you a part and in which we feel satisfied in terms of its completion and optimistic in terms of its future.
Although the acquisition of RECYKOIL products can be made through the different usual means, we recommend the purchase through our online store "MKM Profesionales" which has the advantage of offering discounts for the use of this electronic means of purchase.
We take this opportunity to inform you of our presence as exhibitors at Graphispag 2022, which will be held in Barcelona on May 24 and 27 of this year and which we will expand on in greater depth in future publications. We can anticipate that we will occupy stand C10 - Hall 1, which you can visit by requesting invitations to attend. Your presence will be welcome.
Manufacturer of spirals